
One of Australia’s leading insurance providers engaged Astral as part of a digital transformation initiative, to prepare a
Roadmap to enable the digital management of document workflows and correspondence management. Astral was also
requested to conduct a Privacy, data protection and information compliance assessment.

Our role was to provide direction and define possible solutions to a range of business requirements, including:

• Managing compliance risks, especially in relation to data protection and Privacy
• Enabling automated digital management of claims processing and customer enquiries
• Defining technical options for process automation and document control
• Defining more efficient and effective mailroom management service models
• Comparing in-source and out-source service options and recommending an optimal solution

Strategic Directions
Astral engaged with business representatives to understand current
information management processes, risks and issues affecting customer
enquiry correspondence and claims management. We identified areas where
digitization and automation could support business improvement and risk
reduction, and prepared recommendations based on this.

A key focus was to identify information Privacy and data compliance risks
across claims handling and management processes, and to recommend
strategies to address these risks.

Recommendations included redefining document management frameworks to
support compliance. We also provided direction on the development of new
systems to enable the automation and application of required business rules.
Ultimately, the purpose was to improve customer service by providing more
accurate, transparent and timely processing of customer interactions.

To further imbed these changes, we defined options for the digital and
automated management of correspondence, including mail and print-room
functions. This included assessing internal and out-sourced service models.
Based on our cost/benefits and risk analysis, a preferred option was

These engagements provided our client with a clear strategic direction for
digital enablement of core services. Based on our advice, our client was able
to make confident decisions and investments to support their information
compliance and business efficiency goals.


• Identify and address Privacy,
data protection and information
compliance risks

• Improve business efficiencies
through implementation of
document management

• Identify the most cost-effective
and efficient approach to
mailroom and printing

• Drive a consistent approach to
how customer-facing
information is managed across
the organization

• Leverage digital toolsets to
remove manual and error-prone
approaches to document and
mail processing

• Optimise ROI for investment in
digital toolsets

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